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Titles start with E (172) Information
The Eagle and the Lion
Author/Editor: Bill, James A
Early Modern European Society, Third Edition
Author/Editor: HENRY KAMEN
Early Modernity and Mobility: Port Cities and Printers across the Armenian Diaspora, 1512-1800
Author/Editor: Sebouh David Aslanian
The Earth in the Attic
Author/Editor: Joudah, Fady
Earthly Mission
Author/Editor: Calderisi, Robert
Ear Training for Twentieth-Century Music
Author/Editor: Friedmann, Michael L
The Eastern Orthodox Church: A New History
Eastern Zhou and Qin Civilizations
Author/Editor: Li Xueqin; Chang, K. C
Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul
Author/Editor: Hays, Richard B
The Eclipse of Biblical Narrative
Author/Editor: Frei, Hans W
Ecologies of Witnessing
Author/Editor: Pollin-Galay, Hannah
Ecologists and Environmental Politics
Author/Editor: Bocking, Stephen
Ecology, Conservation, and Management of Southeast Asian Rainforests
Author/Editor: Primack, Richard B.; Lovejoy, Thomas E
Ecology of Dakota Landscapes: Past, Present, and Future
Author/Editor: W. Carter Johnson ,Dennis H. Knight
The Ecology of Nations: American Democracy in a Fragile World Order
Author/Editor: JOHN M. OWEN IV
The Economic Consequences of U.S. Mobilization for the Second World War
Author/Editor: Alexander J. Field
Economic Texts from Sumer
Author/Editor: Lager, Carl H.; Snell, Daniel C
The Economic Weapon: The Rise of Sanctions as a Tool of Modern War
An Economist Goes to the Game: How to Throw Away $580 Million and Other Surprising Insights from the Economics of Sports
Author/Editor: PAUL OYER
Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink
Author/Editor: Bruzina, Ronald
Edmund Husserl's Freiburg Years
Author/Editor: Mohanty, J. N
Eduardo Barreiros and the Recovery of Spain
Author/Editor: Thomas, Hugh
Education's End
Author/Editor: Kronman, Anthony T
Education, Society, and Economic Opportunity
Author/Editor: Vinovskis, Maris A
Edvard Munch
Author/Editor: Prideaux, Sue
Edward Bancroft
Author/Editor: Schaeper, Thomas J
Edward I
Author/Editor: Prestwich, Michael
Edward II
Author/Editor: Phillips, Seymour
Edward III
Author/Editor: Ormrod, W Mark
Edward the Confessor: Last of the Royal Blood
Author/Editor: Tom Licence
Egypt on the Brink
Author/Editor: Osman, Tarek
Egypt on the Brink
Author/Editor: Osman, Tarek
The Eighteen-Day Running Mate
Author/Editor: Glasser, Joshua M
Eighteenth-Century Hermeneutics
Author/Editor: Weinsheimer, Joel
Einstein on the Run
Author/Editor: Robinson, Andrew
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Author/Editor: Turner, Ralph V
Election 2008
Author/Editor: Foer, Franklin
Election Meltdown: Dirty Tricks, Distrust, and the Threat to American Democracy
Author/Editor: RICHARD L. HASEN
Elections as Instruments of Democracy
Author/Editor: Powell, G
Electoral College Primer
Author/Editor: Longley, Lawrence D.; Peirce, Neal R
Electoral Realignments
Author/Editor: Mayhew, David R
The Electronic Silk Road
Author/Editor: Chander, Anupam
The Elements of Learning
Author/Editor: Banner, James M.; Cannon, Harold C
The Elements of Teaching
Author/Editor: Banner, James M.; Cannon, Harold C
Elephants on the Edge
Author/Editor: Bradshaw, G. A
Elie Wiesel: Confronting the Silence
Author/Editor: JOSEPH BERGER
Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun
Author/Editor: May, Gita
Elizabeth and Hazel
Author/Editor: Margolick, David
The Elizabethan Hamlet
Author/Editor: McGee, Arthur
The Elizabethan Mind: Searching for the Self in an Age of Uncertainty
Author/Editor: HELEN HACKETT
Eliza Lucas Pinckney: An Independent Woman in the Age of Revolution
Author/Editor: Lorri Glover
Eloquence and Reason
Author/Editor: Tsai, Robert L
Elusive Brain
Author/Editor: Tougaw, Jason
The Elusiveness of the Ordinary
Author/Editor: Rosen, Stanley
Emancipation: The Abolition and Aftermath of American Slavery and Russian Serfdom
Author/Editor: Peter Kolchin
Emanuel Feuermann
Author/Editor: Morreau, Annette
Emerald City
Author/Editor: Klingle, Matthew
The Emergence of the Modern American Theater, 1914-1929
Author/Editor: Wainscott, Ronald H
Emerson's Antislavery Writings
Author/Editor: Emerson, Ralph Waldo; Gougeon, Len; Myerson, Joel
Emerson's Protégés
Author/Editor: Dowling, David
Emma Goldman
Author/Editor: Gornick, Vivian
Author/Editor: Lanzoni, Susan
Author/Editor: Parker, Geoffrey
Emperor of Liberty
Author/Editor: Cogliano, Francis D
The Emperor’s New Road: China and the Project of the Century
Empire and Jihad: The Anglo-Arab Wars of 1870-1920
Author/Editor: Neil Faulkner
Empire of Destruction: A History of Nazi Mass Killing
Author/Editor: ALEX J. KAY
An Empire of Ice
Author/Editor: Larson, Edward J
An Empire of Laws: Legal Pluralism in British Colonial Policy
Author/Editor: Christian R. Burset
Empire of Silver: A New Monetary History of China
Empires of Eurasia: How Imperial Legacies Shape International Security
Empires of the Atlantic World
Author/Editor: Elliott, J. H
The Empirical Stance
Author/Editor: van Fraassen, Bas C
Author/Editor: Taylor, Miles
Empty Spaces
Author/Editor: JORDAN ABEL
Author/Editor: Erikson, Kai
The Encyclopedia of Historic and Endangered Livestock and Poultry Breeds
Author/Editor: Dohner, Janet Vorwald
The Encyclopedia of New York City
Author/Editor: Jackson, Kenneth T.; Keller, Lisa
Ending Book Hunger: Access to Print Across Barriers of Class and Culture
Author/Editor: Lea Shaver
Ending Wars Well
Author/Editor: Patterson, Eric D
Endless Novelties of Extraordinary Interest
Author/Editor: Macdougall, Doug
The End of Byzantium
Author/Editor: Harris, Jonathan
The End of Everything
Author/Editor: Bergelson, David; Sherman, Joseph
The End of Genetics: Designing Humanity's DNA
Author/Editor: David B. Goldstein
The End of Race?
Author/Editor: Kinder, Donald R; Dale-Riddle, Allison
The End of the Chinese Dream
Author/Editor: Lemos, Gerard
Endowed by Our Creator
Author/Editor: Meyerson, Michael I
Enemies Within
Author/Editor: Goldberg, Robert Alan
Enemies Within the Gates?
Author/Editor: Chase, William J
Engaging the Moving Image
Author/Editor: Carroll, Noël
Engendering Romance
Author/Editor: Budick, Emily Miller
Engineering Communism
Author/Editor: Usdin, Steven T
Engineering Ethics: Contemporary and Enduring Debates
Engines of Truth
Author/Editor: Schneider, Wendie Ellen
The English Aristocracy, 1070-1272
Author/Editor: Crouch, David
English Children and Their Magazines, 1751-1945
Author/Editor: Drotner, Kirsten
Englishmen at Sea: Labor and the Nation at the Dawn of Empire, 1570-1630
Author/Editor: Eleanor Hubbard
The English-Only Question
Author/Editor: BARON, DENNIS
Enlightened Pleasures
Author/Editor: Kavanagh, Thomas M
The Enlightenment and the Intellectual Foundations of Modern Culture
Author/Editor: Dupré, Louis
Enlightenment's Frontier
Author/Editor: Albritton Jonsson, Fredrik
Ensuring Greater Yellowstone's Future
Author/Editor: Clark, Susan G
An Entirely Synthetic Fish
Author/Editor: Halverson, Anders
Author/Editor: Singer, Joseph William
Author/Editor: Starr, Paul
Author/Editor: Adelson, Glenn; Engell, James; Ranalli, Brent
Environmental Cancer—A Political Disease?
Author/Editor: Lichter, S. Robert; Rothman, Stanley
Environmentalism and the Future of Progressive Politics
Author/Editor: Paehlke, Robert C
Environmental Leadership Equals Essential Leadership
Author/Editor: Gordon, John C.; Berry, Joyce K
Epidemics and History
Author/Editor: Watts, Sheldon
Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present
Author/Editor: FRANK M. SNOWDEN
Eradication of Exotic Pests
Author/Editor: Dahlsten, Donald L
Erec and Enide
Author/Editor: Chrétien de Troyes
Escaping the Dark, Gray City
The Escorial
Author/Editor: Kamen, Henry
Author/Editor: Ransby, Barbara
An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture
An Essay on the Principle of Population: The 1803 Edition
Author/Editor: THOMAS ROBERT MALTHUS,Shannon C. Stimson,Niall O’Flaherty,Deborah Valenze,E. A. Wrigley,Kenneth Binmore,Karen O’Brien
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry D.; Cramer, Jeffrey S
The Essential Guide to Intellectual Property
Author/Editor: Sinnreich, Aram
The Essential Hospital Handbook
Author/Editor: Conlon, Patrick
The Essential Paul Ramsey
Author/Editor: Ramsey, Paul; Werpehowski, William; Crocco, Stephen D
The Essential Reinhold Niebuhr
Author/Editor: Niebuhr, Reinhold; Brown, Robert McAfee
The Essential Works of Thomas More
Author/Editor: Gerard B. Wegemer ,Stephen W. Smith
E. Sylvia Pankhurst
Author/Editor: Romero, Patricia W
Ethical and Religious Thought in Analytic Philosophy of Language
Author/Editor: Smith, Quentin
An Ethical Compass
Author/Editor: Elie Wiesel,Thomas L. Friedman
Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research
Author/Editor: Levine, Robert J
The Ethiopian Revolution
Author/Editor: Tareke, Gebru
Ethnic Conflict
Author/Editor: Forbes, H. D
Ethnic Conflict and Civic Life
Author/Editor: Varshney, Ashutosh
Ethnic Identity
Author/Editor: Alba, Richard D
Eugene O`Neill and His Eleven-Play Cycle
Author/Editor: Gallup, Donald C
The Euro
Author/Editor: Marsh, David
European Community Decision Making
Author/Editor: de Mesquita, Bruce Bueno; Stokman, Frans N
European Encounters with the New World
Author/Editor: Pagden, Anthony
European Intellectual History from Rousseau to Nietzsche
Author/Editor: Turner, Frank M; Richard A. Lofthouse
The European Seaborne Empires
Author/Editor: Paquette, Gabriel
Europe Didn't Work: Why We Left and How to Get the Best from Brexit
Europe's Deadlock
Author/Editor: Marsh, David
Evangelical Disenchantment
Author/Editor: Hempton, David
Evangelicals and Politics in Antebellum America
Author/Editor: Carwardine, Richard
The Event of Literature
Author/Editor: Eagleton, Terry
The Ever-Changing Past: Why All History Is Revisionist History
Author/Editor: JAMES M. BANNER JR.
Everyday Justice
Author/Editor: Hamilton, V. Lee; Sanders, Joseph
Everyday Mysticism
Author/Editor: Glucklich, Ariel
Every Farm a Factory
Author/Editor: Fitzgerald, Deborah
Every Other Thursday
Author/Editor: Daniell, Ellen
Everything Is Possible: Antifascism and the Left in the Age of Fascism
Author/Editor: Joseph Fronczak
Every Twelve Seconds
Author/Editor: Pachirat, Timothy
Evidence Law Adrift
Author/Editor: Damaska, Mirjan R
The Evolution of the Gospel
Author/Editor: POWELL, J. ENOCH
Exile and Change in Renaissance Literature
Author/Editor: Giamatti, A. Bartlett
Exile and the Narrative Imagination
Author/Editor: Seidel, Michael
Exiled Shadow
Author/Editor: NORMAN MANEA ,Carla Baricz
Exile in Mid-Qing China
Author/Editor: Waley-Cohen, Joanna
The Exile's Song
Author/Editor: Sally McKee
Existentialism Is a Humanism
Exit Berlin
Author/Editor: Bonelli, Charlotte R
Author/Editor: O'Neill, Eugene
Exorcism and Enlightenment
Author/Editor: Midelfort, H. C. Erik
Experience Design: A Participatory Manifesto
Author/Editor: Abraham Burickson ,Ellen Lupton ,Erica Holeman
The Experience of God
Author/Editor: Hart, David Bentley
Experiencing Narrative Worlds
Author/Editor: Gerrig, Richard J
Exploring Happiness
Author/Editor: Bok, Sissela
Extended Deterrence and the Prevention of War
Author/Editor: Huth, Paul K
Extending the Frontiers
Author/Editor: Eltis, David; Richardson, David
The Extreme of the Middle
Author/Editor: Schor, Mira; Tworkov, Jack
The Eye for Innovation
Author/Editor: Price, Robert
Ezekiel 38-48: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
Author/Editor: STEPHEN L. COOK
Ezra: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary