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Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with P (239) | Information |
Pacific Alliance |
Author/Editor: Calder, Kent E
Pacific Power Paradox: American Statecraft and the Fate of the Asian Peace |
Author/Editor: VAN JACKSON
Pagan Britain |
Author/Editor: Hutton, Ronald
Paganism in the Roman Empire |
Author/Editor: MacMULLEN, RAMSAY
Palaces of Pleasure |
Author/Editor: Jackson, Lee
Palestine Betrayed |
Author/Editor: Karsh, Efraim
Palmerston |
Author/Editor: Brown, David
Panaesthetics |
Author/Editor: Albright, Daniel
Panare |
Author/Editor: Henley, Paul
Paradoxes of Gender |
Author/Editor: Lorber, Judith
Paradoxical Life |
Author/Editor: Wagner, Andreas
The Paradox of Morality |
Author/Editor: VLADIMIR JANKÉLÉVITCH ,Andrew Kelley
Paradoxy of Modernism |
Author/Editor: Scholes, Robert
Parenting Stress |
Author/Editor: Deater-Deckard, Kirby
The Parisian Jazz Chronicles |
Author/Editor: Zwerin, Mike
The Parisian Worlds of Frédéric Chopin |
Author/Editor: Atwood, William G
The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson |
Author/Editor: Adams, William Howard
Parmenides: Being, Bounds, and Logic |
Author/Editor: Scott, Austin
Parties and Policies |
Author/Editor: Mayhew, David R
The Parties Versus the People |
Author/Editor: Edwards, Mickey
Partisan Hearts and Minds |
Author/Editor: Green, Donald; Palmquist, Bradley; Schickler, Eric
Partly Laws Common to All Mankind |
Author/Editor: Waldron, Jeremy
Partner and I |
Author/Editor: Ware, Susan
Pashas |
Author/Editor: Mather, James
The Passage to Europe |
Author/Editor: van Middelaar, Luuk
Passage to Modernity |
Author/Editor: Dupré, Louis
Passchendaele |
Author/Editor: Prior, Robin; Wilson, Trevor
Past and Prologue: Politics and Memory in the American Revolution |
Author/Editor: Michael D. Hattem
A Past of Possibilities: A History of What Could Have Been |
Author/Editor: Quentin Deluermoz ,Pierre Singaravélou ,Stephen W. Sawyer
Patch Atlas: Integrating Design Practices and Ecological Knowledge for Cities as Complex Systems |
Author/Editor: Victoria J. Marshall ,Mary L. Cadenasso ,Brian P. McGrath ,Steward T. A. Pickett
Pathologies of Motion: Historical Thinking in Medicine, Aesthetics, and Poetics |
Author/Editor: KEVIS GOODMAN
Patriotism and Other Mistakes |
Author/Editor: Kateb, George
Patterns of Democracy |
Author/Editor: Lijphart, Arend
Paul |
Author/Editor: Paula Fredriksen
Paul Celan |
Author/Editor: Felstiner, John
Paul Transformed: Reception of the Person and Letters of Paul in Antiquity |
Peace at Last |
Author/Editor: Cuthbertson, Guy
The Peacekeeping Economy |
Author/Editor: Dumas, Lloyd J
Peace Now! |
Author/Editor: Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri
Peak Pursuits: The Emergence of Mountaineering in the Nineteenth Century |
Author/Editor: Caroline Schaumann
The Pearl |
Author/Editor: Smith, Douglas
Peasant Politics in Modern Egypt |
Author/Editor: Brown, Nathan J
Peasant Protest in Japan, 1590-1884 |
Author/Editor: Bix, Herbert B
Penicillin |
Author/Editor: Hobby, Gladys L
People and the Land through Time |
Author/Editor: Southgate, Emily W. B. (Russell)
The People’s Revolt: Texas Populists and the Roots of American Liberalism |
Author/Editor: Gregg Cantrell
Peppermint Kings: A Rural American History |
Author/Editor: DAN ALLOSSO
Perception and Prejudice |
Author/Editor: Hurwitz, Jon; Peffley, Mark
Perceval |
Author/Editor: Chrétien de Troyes
Perfection: 400 Years of Women's Quest for Beauty |
Author/Editor: Margarette Lincoln
A Performer's Guide to the Keyboard Partitas of J.S. Bach |
Author/Editor: Valenti, Fernando
Performing Music in the Age of Recording |
Author/Editor: Philip, Robert
Performing Twentieth-Century Music |
Author/Editor: Weisberg, Arthur
Perilous Glory |
Author/Editor: France, John
The Perilous Life of Symphony Orchestras |
Author/Editor: Flanagan, Robert J
Persephone's Quest |
Author/Editor: Wasson, R. Gordon; Kramrisch, Stella; Ruck, Carl
The Persians |
Author/Editor: Katouzian, Homa
Perspectives on Teaching Language and Content |
Author/Editor: Stacey Katz Bourns ,Cheryl Krueger ,Nicole Mills
Persuasion and Rhetoric |
Author/Editor: Michelstaedter, Carlo
Perversions and Near-Perversions in Clinical Practice |
Author/Editor: Fogel, Gerald; Myers, Wayne
Petersburg Fin de Siècle |
Author/Editor: Steinberg, Mark D
Peter's War |
Author/Editor: Malcolm, Joyce Lee
Peter the Great |
Author/Editor: Hughes, Lindsey
Petrarchan Love and the Continental Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Braden, Gordon
Philip III and the Pax Hispanica, 1598-1621 |
Author/Editor: Allen, Paul
Philip of Spain |
Author/Editor: Kamen, Henry
Philo of Alexandria: An Intellectual Biography |
Author/Editor: MAREN R. NIEHOFF
The Philosophers' Quarrel |
Author/Editor: Zaretsky, Robert; Scott, John T
Philosophy of Dreams |
Author/Editor: Türcke, Christoph
Philosophy of Economy |
Author/Editor: Bulgakov, Sergei
The Philosophy of Positive Law |
Author/Editor: Murphy, James Bernard
A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition |
Author/Editor: Johnson, Marysia
The Philosophy of Translation |
Author/Editor: DAMION SEARLS
Philosophy, Politics, and Society |
Author/Editor: Fishkin, James S.; Laslett, Peter
Phocion: Good Citizen in a Divided Democracy |
Author/Editor: Thomas R. Martin
Phylogeny and Classification of the Birds |
Author/Editor: Sibley, Charles G.; Ahlquist, Jon E
Physics and Dance |
Author/Editor: Coates, Emily; Demers, Sarah
Piaget's Theory of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Kitchener, Richard F
The Piano: A History in 100 Pieces |
Author/Editor: Susan Tomes
Piano Roles |
Author/Editor: Parakilas, James
Picture Bride |
Author/Editor: Song, Cathy
Picturing Faith |
Author/Editor: McDannell, Colleen
Picturing Russia |
Author/Editor: Kivelson, Valerie A; Neuberger, Joan
Piggy Foxy and the Sword of Revolution |
Author/Editor: Vatlin, Alexander; Malashenko, Larisa
Pirates |
Author/Editor: Lehr, Peter
Pivotal Decade |
Author/Editor: Stein, Judith
A Plague of Informers |
Author/Editor: Weil, Rachel
Planning Democracy |
Author/Editor: Gilbert, Jess
Planning Research |
Author/Editor: Gordon, John C
Platonic Piety |
Author/Editor: Morgan, Michael L
Plato's Republic |
Author/Editor: Rosen, Stanley
The Plausibility of Life |
Author/Editor: Kirschner, Marc W.; Gerhart, John C
The Playful Entrepreneur |
Author/Editor: Dodgson, Mark; Gann, David M
Playing Indian |
Author/Editor: Philip J. Deloria
Playing Monopoly with the Devil |
Author/Editor: Hinds, Manuel
Playing with Fire: The Story of Maria Yudina, Pianist in Stalin's Russia |
The Play's the Thing: Fifty Years of Yale Repertory Theatre (1966-2016) |
Playwriting |
Author/Editor: Smiley, Sam
Plugged In |
Author/Editor: Patti M. Valkenburg,Jessica Taylor Piotrowski
Plumes |
Author/Editor: Stein, Sarah A
The Plunder of Black America: How the Racial Wealth Gap Was Made |
Poems |
Author/Editor: ALAN DUGAN ,Dudley Fitts
Poems and Prose from the Old English |
Author/Editor: Olsen, Alexandra H
The Poetics of Translation |
Author/Editor: Barnstone, Willis
Poetic Traditions of the English Renaissance |
Author/Editor: Mack, Maynard
The Poetry of Kabbalah |
Author/Editor: Cole, Peter
The Poetry of Michelangelo |
Author/Editor: Saslow, James M
Poets and Critics Read Vergil |
Author/Editor: Spence, Sarah
Poets Historical |
Author/Editor: Fichter, Andrew
Poilu |
Author/Editor: Edward M. Strauss,Robert Cowley,Rémy Cazals
The Polemics of Possession in Spanish American Narrative |
Author/Editor: Adorno, Rolena
The Police-Mental Health Partnership |
Author/Editor: Marans, Steven
Policing Stalin's Socialism |
Author/Editor: Shearer, David R
The Policy Process |
Author/Editor: Clark, Susan G
The Political Ideas of Thorstein Veblen |
Author/Editor: Plotkin, Sidney; Tilman, Rick
Political Innovation in America |
Author/Editor: Polsby, Nelson W
Political Journeys |
Author/Editor: Halliday, Fred
The Political Mythology of Apartheid |
Author/Editor: Thompson, Leonard
Political Order in Changing Societies |
Author/Editor: Huntington, Samuel P
Political Paranoia |
Author/Editor: Robins, Robert S.; Post, Jerrold M
Political Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Smith, Steven B
Political Will and Personal Belief |
Author/Editor: Hollander, Paul
Politics and Passion |
Author/Editor: Walzer, Michael
Politics and Symbols |
Author/Editor: Kertzer, David I
Politics, Law, and Morality |
Author/Editor: Soloviev, Vladimir; Wozniuk, Vladimir
The Politics of Cultural Retreat |
Author/Editor: Vushko, Iryna
The Politics of Empire at the Accession of George III |
Author/Editor: Vaughn, James M
The Politics of Food Supply |
Author/Editor: Winders, Bill
The Politics of Parody: A Literary History of Caricature, 1760-1830 |
Author/Editor: David Francis Taylor
The Politics of Public Management |
Author/Editor: Heymann, Philip B
The Politics of Religion in Early Modern France |
Author/Editor: Bergin, Joseph
The Pol Pot Regime ... 1975-79 |
Author/Editor: Kiernan, Ben
Polygamy |
Author/Editor: Pearsall, Sarah M. S
The Polymath: A Cultural History from Leonardo da Vinci to Susan Sontag |
Author/Editor: PETER BURKE
Ponary Diary, 1941-1943 |
Author/Editor: Sakowicz, Kazimierz; Arad, Yitzhak
The Popes against the Protestants: The Vatican and Evangelical Christianity in Fascist Italy |
Author/Editor: Kevin Madigan
Population Biology and Evolution of Clonal Organisms |
Author/Editor: Buss, Leo W.; Cook, Robert E
Porn |
Author/Editor: STOLLER, ROBERT J
Portfolio Selection |
Author/Editor: Markowitz, Harry M
Portrait of a Woman in Silk |
Author/Editor: Anishanslin, Zara
A Portrait of Mendelssohn |
Author/Editor: Brown, Clive
The Possessor and the Possessed |
Author/Editor: Kivy, Peter
The Postmodern Bible |
Author/Editor: Aichele, George; Burnett, Fred W.; Castelli, Elizabeth A
The Postmodern Predicament: Existential Challenges of the Twenty-First Century |
Author/Editor: Bruce Ackerman
Post-Polio Syndrome |
Author/Editor: Silver, Julie K
Post Wall, Post Square: How Bush, Gorbachev, Kohl, and Deng Shaped the World after 1989 |
Author/Editor: Kristina Spohr
The Postwar Moment |
Author/Editor: Woloch, Isser
Potato |
Author/Editor: Reader, John
Poulenc: A Biography |
Author/Editor: roger nichols
The Poverty of Welfare Reform |
Author/Editor: Handler, Joel F
Power and Justice in Medieval England: The Law of Patronage and the Royal Courts |
Author/Editor: Joshua C. Tate
The Power of Feelings |
Author/Editor: Chodorow, Nancy J
The Power of Knowledge |
Author/Editor: Black, Jeremy
Power on the Precipice: The Six Choices America Faces in a Turbulent World |
Author/Editor: ANDREW IMBRIE
Power, Plain English, and the Rise of Modern Poetry |
Author/Editor: Rosen, David
Power Without Responsibility |
Author/Editor: Schoenbrod, David
Practical Form: Abstraction, Technique, and Beauty in Eighteenth-Century Aesthetics |
Author/Editor: Abigail Zitin
Practicing Stalinism |
Author/Editor: Getty, J. Arch
Prairie Women |
Author/Editor: Fairbanks, Carol
The Praise of Folly |
Praise of Theory |
Author/Editor: Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Dawson, Chris
Preaching in the New Millennium |
Author/Editor: Streets, Frederick J
Preaching the Just Word |
Author/Editor: Walter Burghardt
Predator of the Seas: A History of the Slaveship that Fought for Emancipation |
Predictocracy |
Author/Editor: Abramowicz, Michael
The Preemption War |
Author/Editor: McGarity, Thomas O
Prefaces to Canon Law Books in Latin Christianity |
Author/Editor: Robert Somerville,Bruce C. Brasington
Pregnancy, Contraception, and Family Planning Services in Industrial Countries |
Author/Editor: Jones, Elise F
Preschool in Three Cultures |
Author/Editor: Tobin, Joseph J.; Wu, David Y. H.; Davidson, Dana H
The Presence of the Word |
Author/Editor: Ong, Walter J
Preserving Nature in the National Parks |
Author/Editor: Sellars, Richard West
Prestige, Manipulation, and Coercion: Elite Power Struggles in the Soviet Union and China after Stalin and Mao |
A Primer for Environmental Literacy |
Author/Editor: Golley, Frank B
Primo Levi |
Author/Editor: Lang, Berel
Prince of the Press |
Author/Editor: Teplitsky, Joshua
Princess of the Hither Isles |
Author/Editor: Alexander, Adele Logan
Principles and Agents: The British Slave Trade and Its Abolition |
Author/Editor: David Richardson
Principles of General Management |
Author/Editor: Colley, John L. Jr.; Doyle, Jacqueline L.; Hardie, Robert D
The Prison and the American Imagination |
Author/Editor: Smith, Caleb
Prisoners, Lovers, and Spies |
Author/Editor: Macrakis, Kristie
Private Doubt, Public Dilemma |
Author/Editor: Thomson, Keith
The Private Is Political: Networked Privacy and Social Media |
Author/Editor: ALICE E. MARWICK
Private Journals of the Long Parliament |
Author/Editor: Snow, Vernon F.; Young, Anne Steele
Private Journals of the Long Parliament |
Author/Editor: Snow, Vernon F.; Young, Anne Steele
Private Journals of the Long Parliament |
Author/Editor: Coates, William H.; Snow, Vernon F
Private Property and the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Ackerman, Bruce
Private Sins, Public Crimes: Policing, Punishment, and Authority in Iran |
Privatopia |
Author/Editor: McKenzie, Evan
The Problem of God |
Author/Editor: Murray, John
The Problem of Slavery as History |
Author/Editor: Miller, Joseph C
The Problem of the Christian Master: Augustine in the Afterlife of Slavery |
Author/Editor: MATTHEW ELIA
Problems of Idealism |
Author/Editor: Poole, Randall A
Proceedings in Parliament 1626 |
Author/Editor: Bidwell, William B.; Jansson, Maija
Proceedings in Parliament 1626 |
Author/Editor: Bidwell, William B.; Jansson, Maija
Proceedings in Parliament 1626 |
Author/Editor: Bidwell, William B.; Jansson, Maija
Proceedings in Parliament 1626 |
Author/Editor: Bidwell, William B.; Jansson, Maija
Processing French |
Author/Editor: Golato, Peter
Profit with Honor |
Author/Editor: Yankelovich, Daniel
The Progressives' Century |
Author/Editor: Stephen Skowronek,Stephen M. Engel,Bruce Ackerman
Prokofiev's Piano Sonatas |
Author/Editor: Berman, Boris
Promiscuous |
Author/Editor: Avishai, Bernard
The Promise of the Suburbs |
Author/Editor: Bilston, Sarah
Propaganda State in Crisis |
Author/Editor: Brandenberger, David
The Propagandists' Playbook: How Conservative Elites Manipulate Search and Threaten Democracy |
Property Outlaws |
Author/Editor: Peñalver, Eduardo M.; Katyal, Sonia
The Prophet's Heir: The Life of Ali Ibn Abi Talib |
Author/Editor: HASSAN ABBAS
Prophets, Profits, and Peace |
Author/Editor: Fort, Timothy L
The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell |
Author/Editor: Marvell, Andrew; Dzelzainis, Martin; Patterson, Annabel
The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell |
Author/Editor: Patterson, Annabel
Prosperity in the Fossil-Free Economy: Cooperatives and the Design of Sustainable Businesses |
The Protestant Interest |
Author/Editor: Kidd, Thomas S
Protestantism and Primogeniture in Early Modern Germany |
Author/Editor: Fichtner, Paula Sutter
The Proteus Paradox |
Author/Editor: Yee, Nick
Protocols of Reading |
Author/Editor: Scholes, Robert
Proust in Love |
Author/Editor: Carter, William C
Providence and the Invention of American History |
Author/Editor: SARAH KOENIG
Provincializing Global History: Money, Ideas, and Things in the Languedoc, 1680-1830 |
Author/Editor: James Livesey
Provincials: Postcards from the Peripheries |
Author/Editor: Sumana Roy
Provisional Politics |
Author/Editor: Ellis, Elisabeth
Psychoanalysis and Ethics |
Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts |
Author/Editor: Auchincloss, Elizabeth L.; Samberg, Eslee; American Psychoanalytic Association
Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts |
Author/Editor: Moore, Burness; Fine, Bernard
Psychoanalytic Vocation |
Author/Editor: Rudnytsky, Peter L
Psychology and Religion |
Author/Editor: Jung, Carl Gustav
The Psychology of Science and the Origins of the Scientific Mind |
Author/Editor: Feist, Gregory J
Psychology, Science, and History |
Author/Editor: Simonton, Dean Keith
Psychology's Ghosts |
Author/Editor: Kagan, Jerome
Psychonauts: Drugs and the Making of the Modern Mind |
Author/Editor: MIKE JAY
Psychotherapy without the Self |
Author/Editor: Epstein, Mark
The Public Domain |
Author/Editor: Boyle, James
Public Freedoms in the Islamic State |
Author/Editor: Rached Ghannouchi ,David L. Johnston
The Public Landscape of the New Deal |
Author/Editor: Cutler, Phoebe
Punctuated Equilibrium and the Dynamics of U.S. Environmental Policy |
Author/Editor: Repetto, Robert
The Punishment |
The Puritan Conscience and Modern Sexuality |
Author/Editor: LEITES, EDMUND
The Puritan Origins of American Patriotism |
Author/Editor: McKenna, George
The Puritan Origins of the American Self |
Author/Editor: Bercovitch, Sacvan
Pushkin's Historical Imagination |
Author/Editor: Evdokimova, Svetlana
Putin v. the People |
Author/Editor: Greene, Samuel A.; Robertson, Graeme B