Content Type | OA ? | PCA ? |
Books (Back List, Front List) | No | Yes |
Titles start with I (151) | Information |
I Am Not Master of Events |
Author/Editor: Neal, Larry
Ibsen's Kingdom: The Man and His Works |
Author/Editor: Evert Sprinchorn
The Iceman Cometh |
Author/Editor: EUGENE O’NEILL ,William Davies King
I Chronicles 10-29 |
Author/Editor: GARY N. KNOPPERS
I Chronicles 1-9 |
Author/Editor: GARY N. KNOPPERS
The Idea of a University |
Author/Editor: Newman, John; Turner, Frank M
The Idea of Progress in Eighteenth-Century Britain |
The Idea of the Good in Platonic-Aristotelian Philosophy |
Author/Editor: Gadamer, Hans-Georg; Smith, P. Christopher
The Idea of Wilderness |
Author/Editor: Oelschlaeger, Max
Ideas and International Political Change |
Author/Editor: Checkel, Jeffrey T
Ideology and Inquisition |
Author/Editor: Nesvig, Martin Austin
Ideology and U.S Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Hunt, Michael H
Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy |
Author/Editor: Hunt, Michael H
Idi Amin: The Story of Africa's Icon of Evil |
Author/Editor: MARK LEOPOLD
If Mayors Ruled the World |
Author/Editor: Barber, Benjamin R
Ignorance: A Global History |
Author/Editor: PETER BURKE
I Live in the Slums: Stories |
Illness and Inhumanity in Stalin's Gulag |
The Illusion of Control: Why Financial Crises Happen, and What We Can (and Can’t) Do About It |
Author/Editor: Jón Daníelsson
The Illusions of Entrepreneurship |
Author/Editor: Shane, Scott A
The I. L. Peretz Reader |
Author/Editor: Peretz, I. L.; Wisse, Ruth
The Image of the Architect |
Author/Editor: Saint, Andrew
Images of Quattrocento Florence |
Author/Editor: Baldassarri, Stefano Ugo; Saiber, Arielle
Image Wars |
Author/Editor: Sharpe, Kevin
Imagined Cities |
Author/Editor: Alter, Robert
Imagining Black America |
Author/Editor: Wayne, Michael
Imagining Nabokov |
Author/Editor: Khrushcheva, Nina L
Imagining Native America in Music |
Author/Editor: Pisani, Michael V
Imagining Zion |
Author/Editor: Troen, S. Ilan
I, Maya Plisetskaya |
Author/Editor: Plisetskaya, Maya
Immigration: An American History |
Immigration and Apocalypse: How the Book of Revelation Shaped American Immigration |
Author/Editor: YII-JAN LIN
Immigration and Race |
Author/Editor: Jaynes, Gerald D
Immortality and the Law |
Author/Editor: Madoff, Ray D
Impeachment |
Author/Editor: Black, Charles L. Jr
Imperial Nature |
Author/Editor: Goldman, Michael
Implication: An Ecocritical Dictionary for Art History |
Author/Editor: Alan C. Braddock
Impolite Learning |
Author/Editor: Goldgar, Anne
Importing Oxbridge |
Author/Editor: Duke, Alex
Importing Poverty? |
Author/Editor: Martin, Philip
The Imprint of Congress |
Author/Editor: DAVID R. MAYHEW
Improving Literacy in America |
Author/Editor: Morrison, Frederick J.; Bachman, Heather J.; Connor, Carol McDonald
Inadvertent |
Author/Editor: Knausgaard, Karl Ove
In China's Shadow |
Author/Editor: Hundt, Reed
The Incidental Steward |
Author/Editor: Busch, Akiko
In Confidence |
Author/Editor: Goldfarb, Ronald
Inconvenient Fictions |
Author/Editor: Harrison, Bernard
Indian Ocean Slavery in the Age of Abolition |
Author/Editor: Harms, Robert; Freamon, Bernard K; Blight, David W
The Indian Slave Trade |
Author/Editor: Gallay, Alan
Indian Survival on the California Frontier |
Author/Editor: Hurtado, Albert L
Indigenous London |
Author/Editor: Coll Thrush,NED BLACKHAWK,KATE W. SHANLEY
Indigenous Visions |
Author/Editor: Blackhawk, Ned; Wilner, Isaiah Lorado
Indispensable Nation: American Foreign Policy in a Turbulent World |
Author/Editor: Robert J. Lieber
Indonesia |
Author/Editor: Taylor, Jean Gelman
The Informant |
Author/Editor: May, Gary
Information and Exclusion |
Author/Editor: Strahilevitz, Lior J
The Ingenious Gentleman and Poet Federico García Lorca Ascends to Hell |
Author/Editor: Rojas, Carlos
Inglorious Revolution |
Author/Editor: Summerhill, William R
In God's Shadow |
Author/Editor: Walzer, Michael
Inheritance in Public Policy |
Author/Editor: Rose, Richard; Davies, Phillip L
In Irons |
Author/Editor: Buel, Richard
Initiative to Stop the Violence |
Author/Editor: al-Gama'ah al-Islamiyah
Innovation and the State |
Author/Editor: Breznitz, Dan
Innovation Economics |
Author/Editor: Atkinson, Robert D; Ezell, Stephen J
In Plato's Cave |
Author/Editor: Kernan, Alvin
In Praise of Floods: The Untamed River and the Life It Brings |
Author/Editor: JAMES C. SCOTT
In Pursuit of Ancient Pasts |
Author/Editor: Dyson, Stephen L
In Pursuit of Civility: Manners and Civilization in Early Modern England |
Author/Editor: KEITH THOMAS
Inquiry and Change |
Author/Editor: Lindblom, Charles E
In Search of Meadowlarks: Birds, Farms, and Food in Harmony with the Land |
Author/Editor: John M. Marzluff
In Search of the Early Christians |
Author/Editor: Meeks, Wayne A.; Hilton, Allen R.; Snyder, H. Gregory
In Search of the River Jordan: A Story of Palestine, Israel and the Struggle for Water |
Author/Editor: James Fergusson
Inside Campaign Finance |
Author/Editor: Sorauf, Frank J
Inside CIA's Private World |
Author/Editor: Westerfield, H. Bradford
Inside Hitler's Greece |
Author/Editor: Mazower, Mark
An Insider’s Guide to the UN |
Author/Editor: Fasulo, Linda
An Insider's Guide to the UN |
Author/Editor: LINDA FASULO
An Insider’s Guide to the UN |
Author/Editor: Fasulo, Linda
Insider Trading |
Author/Editor: Pfeffer, Naomi
Insincere Promises |
Author/Editor: Ayres, Ian; Klass, Gregory
Institutional Realism |
Author/Editor: Grafstein, Robert
Insuring the City: The Prudential Center and the Postwar Urban Landscape |
Author/Editor: Elihu Rubin
The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes |
Author/Editor: JONATHAN ROSE
Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings |
Author/Editor: Rumbaugh, Duane M.; Washburn, David A
Intentions in Great Power Politics: Uncertainty and the Roots of Conflict |
The Interbellum Constitution: Union, Commerce, and Slavery in the Age of Federalisms |
Author/Editor: Alison L. LaCroix
The International Novel |
Author/Editor: Patterson, Annabel
The Internet in Everything: Freedom and Security in a World with No Off Switch |
Interpreting Communicative Language Teaching |
Author/Editor: Savignon, Sandra J
Interpreting Interpretation |
Author/Editor: Saks, Elyn
Interpreting the Bible and the Constitution |
Author/Editor: Pelikan, Jaroslav
Interventions |
Author/Editor: Doob, Leonard W
In the Cause of True Education |
Author/Editor: MacMullen, Edith Nye
In the Company of Crows and Ravens |
Author/Editor: Marzluff, John M.; Angell, Tony
In the Dragon's Shadow: Southeast Asia in the Chinese Century |
In the Herbarium: The Hidden World of Collecting and Preserving Plants |
Author/Editor: Maura C. Flannery
In the Name of God and Country |
Author/Editor: Fellman, Michael
In The Shadow of St. Paul's Cathedral: The Churchyard that Shaped London |
Into the Black |
Author/Editor: Westwick, Peter J
Into the Valley |
Author/Editor: Hafferty, Frederic W
Into the World’s Great Heart: Selected Letters of Edna St. Vincent Millay |
Into Wild Mongolia |
Intrigue |
Author/Editor: Hepburn, Allan
An Introduction to Medical Spanish |
Author/Editor: Chase, Robert O.; Medina de Chase, Clarisa B
Introduction to Metaphysics |
Author/Editor: Heidegger, Martin
Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics |
Author/Editor: Grondin, Jean
An Introduction to Shi'i Islam |
Author/Editor: Momen, Moojan
Introduction to the Apocrypha: Jewish Books in Christian Bibles |
Author/Editor: Lawrence M. Wills
Introduction to the Bible |
Author/Editor: Hayes, Christine
Introduction to the Code of Maimonides |
Author/Editor: Twersky, Isadore
An Introduction to the New Testament |
Author/Editor: Brown, Raymond E.; Soards, Marion
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law |
Author/Editor: Pound, Roscoe
Intuition |
Author/Editor: Myers, David G
Intuition and Construction |
Author/Editor: Seung, T.K
Inuit Morality Play |
Author/Editor: Briggs, Jean L
Inventing American Exceptionalism |
Author/Editor: Amalia D. Kessler
Inventing the Christmas Tree |
Author/Editor: Brunner, Bernd
The Invention of China |
Author/Editor: BILL HAYTON
The Invention of News |
Author/Editor: Pettegree, Andrew
The Invention of Peace |
Author/Editor: Howard, Michael
The Invention of Scarcity: Malthus and the Margins of History |
The Invention of Scotland |
Author/Editor: Trevor-Roper, Hugh
Investment in Blood |
Author/Editor: Ledwidge, Frank
Invisibility: The History and Science of How Not to Be Seen |
Author/Editor: GREGORY J. GBUR
The Invisible Harry Gold |
Author/Editor: Hornblum, Allen M
Invisible Ink: A Novel |
Author/Editor: Patrick Modiano ,Mark Polizzotti
Iphigenia in Forest Hills |
Author/Editor: Malcolm, Janet
Iran: A Modern History |
Author/Editor: Abbas Amanat
The Iron Way |
Author/Editor: Thomas, William G
Irving Berlin: New York Genius |
Author/Editor: JAMES KAPLAN
Isaac and Isaiah |
Author/Editor: Caute, David
Isaac Murphy: The Rise and Fall of a Black Jockey |
Author/Editor: Katherine C. Mooney
Islam and Revolution in the Middle East |
Author/Editor: MUNSON, HENRY JR
Islamic Thought in Africa: The Collected Works of Afa Ajura (1910-2004) and the Impact of Ajuraism on Northern Ghana |
Author/Editor: Alhaj Yūsuf Ṣāliḥ Ajura ,Zakyi Ibrahim
Islamism and Islam |
Author/Editor: Tibi, Bassam
Islamization from Below |
Author/Editor: Peterson, Brian J
Islam, Science, and the Challenge of History |
Author/Editor: Dallal, Ahmad
Islands and Cultures: How Pacific Islands Provide Paths toward Sustainability |
Israelis and the Jewish Tradition |
Author/Editor: Hartman, David
Italian Drama in Shakespeare's Time |
Author/Editor: Clubb, Louise George
Italian Tales |
Author/Editor: Riva, Massimo
Italian Venice |
Author/Editor: Bosworth, Richard
Italy and its Monarchy |
Author/Editor: Mack Smith, Denis
Itch, Clap, Pox |
Author/Editor: Gallagher, Noelle
It Is Daylight |
Author/Editor: Collins, Arda
I to Myself |
Author/Editor: Thoreau, Henry D.; Cramer, Jeffrey S
It’s a Jungle Up There |
Author/Editor: Lowman, Margaret D.; Burgess, James; Burgess, Edward
It’s a Jungle Up There |
Author/Editor: Lowman, Margaret D.; Burgess, James; Burgess, Edward
It's Complicated |
Author/Editor: boyd, danah
It Was a Long Time Ago, and It Never Happened Anyway |
Author/Editor: Satter, David
Ivan the Terrible |
Author/Editor: de Madariaga, Isabel